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Inspiration, motivation and education via my consultations, programmes and resources.

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About Nicki

A qualified nutritionist with a proven track record of success. Nicki has almost 20 years' experience working with the world's largest weight loss programmes, brands and companies to help people meet their weight and health goals. The success of her programmes have been reported on by the Evening Standard with a front page feature and in national news. She has presented at conferences in multiple countries and has been interviewed on national radio. She is passionate about improving the health of people by making evidence-based nutrition accessible and engaging.

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I have found the support and knowledge provided by Nicole invaluable. She is friendly and extremely knowledge about health and well-being.

Katie White

Nicole has been very supportive meeting over the phone. I am very grateful for this and look forward to continuing to work with her in the next academic year.

Latifa Palton

She was very quick to respond to queries and emails and we really value this dedication. Her feedback and advice was very helpful. Thanks Nicole!

Elizabeth Spreeuw

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Get in touch to book a consultation or workshop, or leave me a message about anything else and I’ll get back to you.

London, UK

079 2534 4704

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